Thursday, November 02, 2006

The First House: The Washington State Governor's Mansion

Yesterday, I had the privilege of joining the 93rd class of the Washington State Patrol for a reception at the Governor's Mansion. The mansion, located adjacent to the Capitol Building and the Temple of Justice, is a magnificent Southern Style home with sprawling grounds. As we walked up the driveway, we were greeted by WSP Cadets who guard the mansion 24/7. We were told that Christine Gregoire sometimes orders them pizza as a gesture of appreciation.

As we entered the mansion our eyes were drawn toward the floor to a giant Washington State Seal mosaic embedded in the entryway. The front stairs leading to the second story were blocked. This is the entrance to Christine Gregoire's personal residence and living quarters.

We then quickly toured the library and living rooms. These rooms were adorned with photos of Salmon, Timber, the Seattle Library and other icons of Washington State. Our tour brought us to the most important room: The dining room. Despite, the gorgeous mural, the dining room's true attraction was the food. Mrs. Gregoire had spent hours making the best appetizers and deserts. Where does she find the time?

After visiting with the graduates and taking in the history (and plenty of brownies) we made our way to the door, leaving with a greater connection to government and our great State.